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To be the brightest expression of their truest selves

Running in conjunction with the KS2 History curriculum, SWINGDYHOP offers a visiting company experience, where students will learn a Swing/Lindy Hop routine, as danced during WWII and before.  This period was not only such an important part of history but a time of great style, fashion, music and dance. 


SWINGDYHOP offers an insight into this time, along with accompanying curriculum notes, to provide a comprehensive and informed approach to teaching students about this period.  For those of you interested in SWINGDYHOP visiting your school, please do feel free to drop me a line with any questions.


Sessions are run by Maxine who holds full insurance, an enhanced portable DBS check, certification in primary school dance from the Royal Academy of Dance and a degree in Theatre Arts. She has been dancing, teaching and performing Swing and Lindy Hop for over 20 years.  To book SWINGDYHOP at your school please email:


SWINGDYHOP also has limited space left for your school to house a regular weekly lunchtime club.  Please do get in touch to discuss bringing SWINGDYHOP weekly dance classes to your child's primary school.

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